Laughter in the Next Room
One of the first tracks to feature the instrument credited as "oscillator" on the inlay card. It was actually Gerard's metal detector, which he plays here with great sensitivitity. I think Gerard named the track after the Osbert Sitwell novel - but I can't really remember. BN
Yes, pilfered. An autobiographical volume I think. Also The Fountain Overflows. I think Laughter in the Next Room was a good title for CA. It is Ben improvising the words though. My most flagrant bit of literary nicking is in Dead Men Don't Talk, where the line 'Like a mad man shakes a dead geranium' is lifted straight from Eliot's Rhapsody on a Windy Night. A strangely vivid surreal image. This wasn't an attempt to pass off because it's so odd it's very famous, but I wanted to put it in because it's so physical. GG