
This track was never listed. It was created by John on a serious looking reel to reel tape recorder that he owned. It explains his credit for "tapes" on the inlay information. I don't think Gerard ever approved of the final flush at the end. BN

I spent a while putting it together from various old reel-to-reel tapes my father had, using an ancient Ferrograph tape recorder. There was also my sister's trusty cassette recorder (that we used for recording) and my own cassette deck, which had seperate inputs for right and left. I don't know that very much splicing was done. Some echo came from somewhere, and I'm not sure that I was capable of that at the time. JP

Yes, I was always rather unhappy with this because of the lavatory flush. Bathrooms do figure quite a lot in CA's oeuvre though, so it could be argued for from that point of view. GG