Onslaught magazine


The former editor writes, June 2004: 'On-Slaught magazine was founded by Jody Quirk (editor) in 1982 and published by Artwerk Records with the intent of bringing attention to unusual and experimental music. The first two issues had flexi-discs in them and were successful on a cult level and brought the magazine notoriety in the darker side of the budding New Wave music scene of the early 80s.

However in 1983 Jody Quirk left the magazine in career pursuits and electronic musician Mark Lane assumed the role of editor. He was assisted by the graphic artist Julie Vlasak (now with Rhino Records). The two of them published four more issues of On-Slaught on the Idiosyncratics label as a cassette magazine. This not only allowed them to have more bands/artists participate, but also pushed them into the forefront of a by now flourishing worldwide cassette underground. The reader would listen to the cassette program while following the information provided in the printed portion. At the time this concept was ground breaking, and has now become influential as attested to by all magazines that now have CDs in them.

Their involvement with the Audio Evolution Network (a spawn of the famed OP Magazine in Olympia, Washington) and with the European electronic music underground also further legitimized their place in the first true underground music scene since the 1960s. Although On-Slaught has been defunct for many years the underground it helped foster is still alive and well, and Mark Lane continues to write for underground magazines worldwide, as well as write, record, and perform his own electronic music which has amassed legions of loyal followers. A full listing of the bands that participated on On-Slaught and current information about Mark Lane's music can be found at www.editionsmarklane.com'.

See also
cassette culture